Yesterday was a big day here at ACF. I’m still buzzing from all your kind and generous support for our third annual Giving Day.

At last count, together, nature lovers like you helped raise $581,428, which will power our urgent push for strong new laws that could chart a new and positive future for Australian nature.

Every gift was matched by a special group of Leaders for Nature supporters, doubling everyone’s impact for nature.

All I really want to say to you today is a huge THANK YOU.


As you know, our fight to push for strong new laws that actually protect nature has been a long one. And right now, with the Albanese Government reforming our broken nature laws, we really do have an incredible opportunity to help protect our precious wildlife, allow them to regenerate and end the extinction crisis.

Thank you for showing your love for nature in such a powerful way. Your support for our Giving Day yesterday will help power the next leg of this critical fight. Together, our actions today will create the strong national laws needed to protect nature for generations to come.

P.S. If you haven’t donated to help push for strong new nature laws, it’s not too late! Thank you for standing with us and helping to protect the nature we love.

Kelly O’Shanassy

CEO of the Australian Conservation Foundation.