Together we are louder than the polluters. Together we can make our government listen.

Join hundreds of thousands of Australians who love nature, and add your name to a petition today advocating for a world where our forests, rivers, wildlife and communities all thrive. 

Petition for strong nature laws

Help make our national environment laws strong

Petition to end coal and gas in Australia

Show your support for climate action

Open letter to get big money out of politics

For a stronger, healthier democracy

Petition for a nuclear-free Australia

Protect our wildlife and communities from radioactive risk

Petition for global goals for nature

Australia’s plants and animals are under threat. Our combined voices can protect them

Sign the petition so Queensland CAN! be a climate and nature champion

Let's slash pollution and stop forest destruction in QLD

Open letter to protect communities from radioactive waste

Keep the regional town of Kimba, SA, safe from radioactive waste

Charter to keep WA uranium-free

Let's come together to stand against uranium mining at Mulga Rock

Petition to the Australian Retirement Trust: Be a climate leader

Help push super funds to invest in a better future

Sign the petition to give Woodside the boot

Let's stop polluting gas companies from sponsoring our favourite sports to buy a positive reputation