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Thanks for being a climate voter.

Together we’re running a huge campaign to make stopping climate damage such a big election issue, our next government will have no choice but to step up and lead.

The climate election is a people-powered campaign. Thousands of volunteers are stepping up to make this campaign huge. When people get active, change happens.

Click your closest location to find the most impactful actions for your area.


Our strategy

One million conversations

  • With allies and an enormous network of volunteers, we’re aiming to have a million conversations about why this is the climate election.
  • Huge teams of volunteers are talking to people street by street, door by door, at market stalls and bbqs, asking them to be climate voters.
  • We've built a whizz-bang dialler so volunteers across the country can have conversations from their own mobile phones. They’re calling people in three key electorates where parties have to compete on issues to get elected.

Raise our voices

  • We’re tallying up the numbers of climate voters in each electorate to demonstrate this is a vote changer.
  • We’re making this campaign visible in streets and in the media to get people talking and show this is a major issue.

Use our votes

  • We’ll analyse the parties’ policies and rate them in an independent scorecard to help voters make informed choices.
  • As soon as the election’s called, we will unleash billboards, advertising and huge flocks of volunteers to tell voters everywhere how the parties stack up so they know what they’re really voting for.


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Why be a climate voter?

Tens of thousands of people are signing the petition to say they’ll vote climate. We are tallying up the numbers in each electorate to show the parties just how many climate voters there are. We’ll pressure them to lift their game and make better policies.

We’re saying: If you want my vote, you must: Stop Adani’s polluting mine, end digging and burning coal, and switch to 100% clean energy.


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